Al-Shidya Mine
Al-Shidya Mine
Al-Shidya mine is strategically located 300 km southeast of the capital, Amman, and 70 km from the Desert Highway, within the administrative boundaries of Ma'an Governorate.
Production at Al-Shidya Mine
As one of the most prominent assets of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company, the Al-Shidya mine is distinguished by possessing the largest geological reserves of phosphate, making it the primary source of phosphate production for the company, contributing approximately 80% of total output. Production at the mine commenced in 1988, following the acquisition of mining rights covering an area of 386 km².
Due to its substantial reserves, the company developed the largest phosphate production and processing complex in the region, equipped with all essential facilities for ore processing. These include screening, washing, and flotation units to enhance phosphate concentration, as well as drying units. The company also employed advanced electric shovels for removing overburden from the phosphate layers.
Capitalizing on the vast geological potential of the Al-Shidya mine, several affiliated and partner companies have been established in the area, including the Indian Jordanian Company (IJC) and the Jordanian Indian Fertilizer Company (JIFFCO). The Al-Shidya mine supplies these companies with approximately 3 million tons of phosphate annually. In 2023, the mine's total production reached around 7.5 million tons.

Phosphate Ore at Al-Shidya Mine
The phosphate ore at Al-Shidya Mine is characterized by its presence in extensive, continuous layers, in contrast to the lens-shaped deposits found at the Al-Hasa and Al-Obeid mines. The ore at Al-Shidya is divided into three primary layers:
Layer A1: This layer consists of three sub-levels (B, C, D), which require washing processes to enhance phosphate concentration.
Layer A2: Noted for its high concentration of tricalcium phosphate, this layer only requires screening to separate the phosphate.
Layer A3: Comprised of sandy phosphate and phosphate sand, the mining of this layer is based on its economic feasibility. It undergoes washing and flotation processes for further refinement.