Associate & Subsidiary Companies

Jordan India Fertilizers Co. (JIFCO)
The Jordan India Fertilizer Company, LLC. (JIFCO) was established in 2008 in Jordan to produce phosphoric acid in Eshidia Zone in participation with the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) where JPMC share is 48% of capital of the joint company which amounts to USD 524.5 million.

PT Petro Jordan Abadi Company
PT Petro Jordan Abadi Company was established in Indonesia in 2010 in participation with the Indonesian Company PetroKemia Grisek for the purposes of producing phosphoric acid using about 800 thousand tons of phosphate/year from JPMC which holds 50% of the company capital.

Jordan Industrial Ports Company
Jordan Industrial Ports Company, LLC. was established in 2009 for the purposes of managing and operating the industrial port of Aqaba with JPMC and Arab Potash Company hold 50/50 shares of the company. The Company capital reached JD 140 million as at 31.12.2022.

The Indo-Jordan Chemicals Company (IJC)
The Indo-Jordan Chemicals Company, LLC. was established in 1992 with a capital of USD (63.4) million, It produces phosphoric acid with a production capacity of (224) thousand tons (P2P5) per year. It is totally owned by JPMC; its production capacity was increased to 300 thousand tons of (P2P5) per year.

Al Roya Company for Land Transport of Goods
Al Roya Company for Land Transport of Goods, LLC. was established in 2010 with a paid capital of JD 100,000 and it’s totally owned by JPMC.