The Prime Minister honors the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company during the Operators' Pioneers Celebration
The Prime Minister honors the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company during the Operators' Pioneers Celebration

مندوبا عن جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني، كرم رئيس الوزراء الدكتور بشر الخصاونة، شركة مناجم الفوسفات الأردنية، ممثلة برئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة الدكتور محمد الذنيبات.
وجاء التكريم ضمن احتفالية يوم الصناعة الأردنية "رواد التشغيل" التي نظمتها غرفة صناعة عمان، وتقديرا لجهود الشركة ودورها الفاعل في تشغيل الأيدي العاملة المحلية.
وكرم الدكتور الخصاونة 100 شركة أردنية، حققت تميزا في تشغيل الأيدي العاملة المحلية لديها.
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The Director General of the Economic and Social Corporation for Military Retirees and Veterans, Major General (Ret.) Adnan Ahmed Al-Ruqad, visited the Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company on Tuesday. He was welcomed by the company's Chairman of the Board, Dr. Mohammad Al-Dhanibat, and the CEO, Engineer Abdulwahab Al-Rawad, in the presence of a number of senior officials from both sides.

The Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company has opened a state-of-the-art health center for emergency and first aid services at the company's industrial complex in Aqaba, in celebration of the 26th anniversary of His Majesty King Abdullah II assuming his constitutional powers.

The Chairman, members of the Board of Directors, the CEO, and all employees of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company extend their sincere congratulations and blessings to His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II on the occasion of the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan.
