
Infrastructure is considered an important factor in defining the level of success of institutions having industrial activities. Investments in water wastewater, energy, housing, and transportation do improve the living conditions of people, and facilitate doing business. The Company, therefore, gave the infrastructure sector a priority, and worked hard to develop and improve the needed infrastructure, so it can fulfill the business and workers needs, which in turns, leads to increase the production, expand the international markets, and improve the profit margin.

The Company is having four mines located in the middle and south of the Kingdom: Russaifa, Al-Hassa, Wadi Al-Abiad and Eshidiya. Phosphate is transported from the mines to either the Industrial Complex as ore, or to Aqaba Port to be directly exported to the international markets. Export is a daily business, or depending on the availability of ships.

Five million tons or more of phosphate is transported annually by trucks to the Industrial Complex and Aqaba Port. With the aim of enhancing the principle of partnership and cooperation with the other Jordanian sectors, Jordan Phosphate Mines Co. is using additional private transportation companies. Thus, the Company is having contracts with several transportation companies. These contracts vary depending on the size of each company, the number of its fleet, and its capability in transporting phosphate.


