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Mining and Mines
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Mining and Mines
Since the company started its work, two phosphate mining methods were used, they are:
Mining through tunnels, which was used before the 1970s.
Mining by uncovering the ore, which is the currently applied method, where mining is done through:
Removing the overburden after drilling and applying explosions to the rock layer.
Moving the overburden by giant trucks to the specified locations.
Directly removing the overburden, after the explosions, by hydraulic draglines to the specified location.
Clustering phosphate rocks by heavy bulldozers, truck loading and moving the rocks to the crushers for crushing and sieving, and preparing them for direct drying.
If the type of the phosphate is of the lesser quality, it is sent to the upgrading equipment using the flotation process.
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Eshidiya Mine
The mine is located at 125 km north east of Aqaba. Its annual production capacity is about 5 million tons. It consists of a number of layers; there are layer (A0), where phosphate TCP ranges between 40%-50%, and other three layers (A1, A2, A3), where..
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Al Hassa Mine
It was established in 1962 with production capacity of about 0.5 million tons and employing around 787 people distributed on the production, administrative and managerial divisions, medical services, and the housing village.
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Wadi Al-Abiad Mine
It is located 115 km south of Amman, and 2 km from the desert highway in Al-Karak Governorate. There are 422 employees working in the location. They are distributed on the managerial, administrative, and technical divisions.
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Russaifa Mine
It is the oldest mine. It is located at 12 km north east of Amman. The work in the mine started in 1953 up to 1985, when a decision to halt it was made considering the social environment and the densely populated surroundings.
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