Contact US 


Contact Information

Telephone: +96265607141

Fax: +96265661754

E-mail : [email protected] 

P.O. Box :  30 Amman - 11118 The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan


Jordan Phosphate Mines Company

Al Shareef Al Radi Street 7

Alluibdeh - Al Abdali

Amman - Jordan



Department Contact Person Extention E-mail Address
Phosphate Sales Mr. Khaled Al-Hajaj 1116 [email protected]
DAP Sales Mr. Mustafa Al-Amaireh 1122 [email protected]
Supplies & Purchase Directorate Eng. Mowafaq Abu Hawileh 1240 [email protected]
Local Purchase Eng. Noor Jaradat 1340 [email protected]
Foriegn Purchase Eng. Raed Salem 1261 [email protected]
Shareholders Mr. Firas Abu Azza 1302 [email protected]


JPMC Headquarters Location in Amman