
Best Practices Award 2022, awarded by the European Society for Quality Research (ESQR)

Best Practices Award 2022, awarded by the European Society for Quality Research (ESQR)

Best Practices Award 2022, awarded by the European Society for Quality Research (ESQR)
Details: This prestigious international award aims to honor organizations excelling in implementing best practices related to quality, management excellence, and innovation. Jordan Phosphate Mines Company was selected based on a comprehensive evaluation of its systems and procedures, proving its efficiency in achieving sustainable performance and meeting global market expectations.
  • Award Criteria: 
    • Excellence in Quality Management: The company’s ability to balance high performance with the delivery of reliable products and services.
    • Sustainable Development: Integration of sustainability principles across all operational processes.
    • Innovation in Operations: Providing innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.
    • Social Responsibility: The company’s commitment to its social role, including environmental conservation and supporting local communities.
Significance of the Award: This award highlights the company’s position as a role model in implementing global quality standards, reinforcing its reputation and customer trust, and solidifying its place as a leading player in the phosphate industry.