Industrial Projects
Following are the procedures of the Company pertinent to the industrial projects:
- Drafting the designs for the extension of the Industrial Complex in Aqaba in cooperation with Prayon Company from Belgium. This extension is aimed at revamping the phosphoric acid plant to increase its capacity from 300 thousand tons of P2O5 to 450 thousand tons per year. The cost is estimated at USD 90 million, approximately. The project will be completed in 36 months as of the date of signing the agreement.
- The Jordan Phosphate Mines Company, PLC. started with construction of the fourth concentration line of the phosphoric acid at the Industrial Complex/Aqaba. This is the first step of increasing the production capacity and improving the product. The project will be completed in the third quarter of 2025 with an estimated total cost of USD 26 million in the third quarter of 2025.
- The Phosphate Floating Project in cooperation with the Ideal Development for Manufacturing Industries Company. The project is aimed at rationalizing the use of resources and recycle them as well as conserving the environment by exploiting the phosphate reject in stock based on the “Build, Operate, Transfer” BOT principle with a design by the American Company JACOB and a production capacity of two million tons of high grade phosphate/year in compliance with the required international standards. The civil construction works have started for the project to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2025 with an estimated cost of USD 100 million.
- The Project to produce the phosphoric acid and specialized fertilizers MAP, PPA, PA, MKP) in partnership between Jordan Phosphate Mines Company and the Arab Potash Company. An agreement was signed to this effect. Production at a commercial level is expected to start in 2028. The feasibility study of the project was conducted by Technip Company.
- The project at Eshidia to produce phosphoric acid in partnership with the Turkish Company Transpet and an agreement was signed to this effect. The production capacity of the project is 300 thousand tons/year using the low grade Jordanian phosphate. The amount of the project is USD 400 million. Production at a commercial level is expected to start in 2028 noting that the economic feasibility study is being conducted by Jessa Company.
- Construction of a plant as joint venture with Sinokrot Group to produce animal feed additives using phosphoric acid produced by JPMC. The cost of the project is estimated at USD 40 million. Documents of the tender to be announced have been drafted.
- Construction of a plant of phosphate floating at AlHasa and AlAbyad Mines to recycle resources and rationalize their use. The project will help conserve the environment as it exploits the phosphate reject in stock based on the “Build, Operate, Transfer” BOT principle with a productivity of 0.5 million tons/year of high grade phosphate and an estimated cost of USD 85 million.